Documentary follows last person living in abandoned Lanarkshire housing estate

Documentary follows last person living in abandoned Lanarkshire housing estate

Documentary follows last person living in abandoned Lanarkshire housing estate


Documentary follows last person living in abandoned Lanarkshire housing estate

A filmmaker has released a documentary about the last person living on a condemned Lanarkshire estate.

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Ryan Pollock’s Exile on Stanhope Place focuses on Nick Wisniewski who has turned down offers from North Lanarkshire Council to buy his two-bedroomed flat in Gowkthrapple. Nick, a retired bank worker, bought the property under the Right to buy scheme and says that owning it give him security and meant he didn’t have to pay rent or a mortgage following his retirement.

However, the council, who want to re-develop the estate are being hindered by his refusal to accept the offer. The local authority has since applied for a Compulsory Purchase Order to forcibly remove him from his home, reports were said.



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